Rotary Moment: Five Ways to End Polio

A polio-free world is possible. Find out five ways that you can take action for #WorldPolioDay on 24 October.
Five Ways to End Polio from Rotary International on Facebook.
Rotary Moment: Five Ways to End Polio![]() A polio-free world is possible. Find out five ways that you can take action for #WorldPolioDay on 24 October.
Five Ways to End Polio from Rotary International on Facebook. |
Rotary Moment: Power In Our Connections![]() Our connections make powerful things happen. Rotary International’s 1.2 million members turn great ideas into reality in their own backyards and around the world. Learn more at:
Power In Our Connections from Rotary on YouTube. |
Rotary Moment: Dr. Tunji Funsho![]() Rotary member Dr. Tunji Funsho named one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.
Dr. Tunji Funsho Honored from Rotary International on Facebook. |
Rotary Moment: Hands of PeaceWe sponsored a mural by artist Luke Dekeef to celebrate Rotary’s commitment to peacebuilding during the Annual Pow Wow Mural Festival in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. The mural feautes augmented reality and will be on permanent display. Learn more about the artist and the mural -
Hands of Peace from Rotary International on Facebook. |
Rotary Moment: Brett from Rotary AustraliaRotary impacted Brett's life by helping him connect to his community and change other people's futures. >
Rotary Stories: Brett from Rotary Australia on Vimeo. |
Rotary Moment: A Huge Step Toward Global Polio EradicationThe World Health Organization’s African region is officially certified free of wild poliovirus.
A Huge Step Toward Global Polio Eradication from Rotary International on Facebook. |
Rotary Moment: Sombat TapanyaSombat Tapanya, a psychologist who has specialized in childhood trauma, has put to use insights he gained as a Rotary Peace Fellow at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok in 2016.
Sombat Tapanya from Rotary International on Facebook. |
Rotary Moment for Tuesday May 5th Bala Naidoo is a member of The Rotary Club of Metrotown and he shares a Rotary Moment during a trip to Bali with his wife where they visited a project that his club has been supporting.
Rotary Moment for Tuesday, April 28 Past District Governor Chris Offer shares his rotary moment taken from an End Polio National Immunization Day.
Cloquet Rotary Donates to B & B Food Train
Christine Davis and Bruce Ahlgren explain the massive undertaking of the Enbridge Line 3 project![]() Build in the 1960’s, the current Line 3 is a part of a much larger pipeline known as the Main System and stretches 1,097 miles across northeastern Minnesota. The system itself was designed as a transportation hub with the intention of transporting large amounts of crude oil to refineries and other facilities, without the need of trucks or rail lines. The replacement of Line 3, which includes a section that runs on the northeastern side of Carlton County, will be replacing the old pipeline with a larger, more efficient, and safer pipeline that will reduce the need of maintenance activities. From the environmental surveys and regulations, to the altering of routes to accommodate a variety of concerns. The presentation was very informative. |
Tim Krohn talks about the progress and plan forward for the Pine Valley Mountain Bike Trail![]() Throughout the year, this beautiful park hosts a variety of activities that are separate from the Pine Valley Ice Arena and Cloquet Recreation Center. Although there are many locals who frequent the park throughout the year, it's not just the locals who come to visit this unique location, we also have visitors from other states and other countries who come and participate in the skiing and ski jumping, snowmobiling, hiking, cross country running, and mountain biking trails and events. Upkeep of the park trails and additions to the trails are often done through a coordinated effort that includes donations from the surrounding cities and communities, businesses, and organizations, such as the Wood City Riders who maintain many of the winter trails. Many of the activities throughout the park happen to be coordinated with the help of Tim Krohn. Tim, has been working hard to promote many of the activities throughout the park and is currently raising funds to extend the mountain bike trails. Taking advantage of unique features in the park, plans have already been drawn up and are ready to be started, the only thing holding everything up is the final donations, which is being tackled through grant writing and community support. Thanks for the great presentation Tim, the Rotary Club of Cloquet is very happy we can help you with this project.
Lisa Lauzon from Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV)![]() You might be asking yourself, what is MACV? MACV is a nonprofit organization that’s been around since 1990 and whose mission is, “Ending Veteran homelessness in Minnesota.” MACV helps to accomplish this mission by providing housing assistance, assistance with legal issues, and employment support to veterans and their families who are either homeless or experiencing a life crisis that could lead to homelessness. For more information about MACV and what they can do for veterans, check out their website at . Thanks Lisa |
Stephanie Nynas from Best Christmas Ever
For more information, check out their website at |
Cloquet Police Department's drug detection program and how Vader assists
Services and Programs of the Cloquet Fire and EMS Services![]() We would also like to thank Captain Sarah Bruhs for her presentation about the variety of programs promoting fire safety within the schools, work places, homes and communities of Cloquet and the surrounding cities and counties. |
Winter fun at the Lakehead Harvest Winter Hayride![]() Thanks to Phyllis Rousseau, the Rotary Club of Cloquet was pleased to learn about the origins of the Lakehead Harvest Show and the upcoming Lakehead Harvest Winter Hayride from Bill Ritchie, a man whose attended every Lakehead Harvest Show since it began in 1961. Starting on Friday, December 13, the Lakehead Harvest Winter Hayride will be hosting a family fun event where everyone is welcome. If you have special needs they will can help to accommodate them. Any kids that are attending, 12 & under, are free. At the festival there will be a variety of activities for the kids, campfires, a variety of concessions and more. And who could forget the hayride, which is a 3o minute ride through the forest where they have a large variety of holiday displays. There will even be a Santa. |
Rotary Christmas Party![]() There ain't no party like a Rotary Christmas party and this year's Rotary Christmas party was no exception. In the festively decorated Northeastern Saloon, greeted with a handshake or a hug, the night was filled with food, jovial conversations and even a few jokes, many of which were told by Rob Nelson. There was even a party game, brought by Dr. Chad and Denise Spillers, where several people went home with a jar of homemade preserves, a bag of Biofreeze, or a can of boiled peanuts. It was a wonderful night. |
Thanks for Helping Us Support Our Veterans!![]() The Rotary Club of Cloquet will be hosted its second "Rotary March for Veterans Celebration" on Saturday, March 2, 2019, at the AAD Shriners Building in Hermantown, MN. It was a great turnout and fun had by all. Please stay tuned next fall for more information about 2020's event!
We'd also like to thank all our sponsors, volunteers and Rotarians who made this possible. |
Junior Rotarian Speeches! |
This Week's Program: District Governor, Blaine JohnsonOur new District Governor, Blaine Johnson, came to the front of the room and described himself as a non-typical DG. First of all he is not 90 years old, he is the 2nd youngest DG from our district. He also reminded us that Rotary's founder, Paul Harris, was only 37 when he started Rotary in Chicago. He added that Rotary needs to attract younger leaders and it can be done. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Kingdom Builders MinistryToday's program, presented by Paul Nordvall, featured information on the Cloquet non-profit, Kingdom Builders Ministry. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Beth SorensonRuss Smith introduced his guest, Beth Sorenson, the new Director of the Cloquet Public Library. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Randy MausPresident Rich introduced his guest, Randy Maus, originally from Cloquet and now on vacation from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he works as a coaching leader for highly effective teams. |
This Week's ProgramOn Tuesday, July 3, ten loyal, but uninformed, Rotarians and guests met at Evergreen to find a hearty luncheon, but no meeting. Allen Anway, our official Cloquet Rotary Club Visiting Rotarian from Duluth Club #25, was the first to arrive. ![]() |
This Week's ProgramIn lieu of a program for today, Russ Smith asked if Rachael Martin would update our club on the sale of the museum building. Naturally, she began with a history lesson. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Junior Rotarian ScholarshipsPresident Ralph began the program by saying we have 7 scholarships to give away today, then he asked Ron Hanson to tell us about the history of the scholarship program. ![]() |
This Week's ProgramPres Ralph welcomed club member, Rachael Martin, to the podium to present a program in Ron Hanson's absence. ![]() |
This Week's ProgramPres Ralph asked Rich Bruns to come to the podium to welcome guests and describe this week's program. After saying that Rotary is the best kept secret in town, Rich introduced our program which will describe all the things our club does for our community and beyond. (Photo: Lawrence Fauley, from CCHS Archives) ![]() |
This Week's Program: Cliff LangleyCliff Langley showed us a power point about the benefits of adventure recreation, which focus on physical challenges, excitement, and risk. ![]() |
This Week's ProgramFor this week's program, Rich Bruns presented a Business Meeting, with handouts and charts on the big screen. The colorful chart on the screen showed how we are doing financially this year. ![]() |
This Week's ProgramTyler and Carter Northey announced that today's program was everyone's chance to play Jeopardy on the big screen. Each of the 5 tables constituted a team, competing for top scores in these categories: Millennials, Slang, Sports, Rotary History, and Current Events. Each team could choose a category for 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 points. We started out with a number of wrong answers and got many negative points. Then we smartened up with final points of Team One = 200, Team 2 = - 800, Team 3 = 0, Team 4 = -900, Team 5 = 800. So Team 5 was the big winner and the rest of us were such gracious losers. But, as our Northey twins said, "It isn't about winning or losing, it's how you play the game that counts." Thanks, Jr. Rotarians for a fun Taco Tuesday!
This Week's Program: Paul Couglin, Carlton County Jail AdministratorPhill Greer introduced our speaker, Paul Couglin, who has been the Carlton County Jail Administrator since January 2014. Paul has been working for Carlton County for 23 years in various capacities: Bailiff, K- 9 officer, and patrol sergeant.
This Week's Program: Junior Rotarian SpeechesPresident Ralph announced that today's program was the much awaited Jr. Rotarian speeches.
This Week's Program: Ryan MickeRyan presented today's program in lieu of Jr. Rotarian Speeches, inadvertently scheduled during break week. He had a 2 part presentation: 1. How to use the big screen TV, and 2. How to use our Cloquet Rotary Club website. ![]() |
This Week's Program: REACH Mentoring ProgramChad Spillers introduced his guests and speakers for today, Dakota, Kaylee and Brianna, all from the Reach Mentoring Program in Cloquet. He added that Dakota had once been a Jr. Rotarian in our club. ![]() |
This Week'Program: Kathylynn McConnell- MCCUPres Ralph introduced our speaker, Kathylynn McConnell, who works at MCCU as the corporate Managing Director of Learning and Development. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Cloquet's City Engineer, Caleb PetersonJim Prusak introduced his guest, Cloquet's City Engineer, Caleb Peterson. Caleb now holds the city position that Jim held for the last 40 years. So, according to Jim, Caleb has nothing to do now that Jim resolved all the problems before he left. Then, according to Caleb, he loves his new job since he gets to help people with their problems and get things fixed that Jim left behind. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Junior Rotarians SpeechesToday's program was our much anticipated Jr. Rotarian speeches.
Rotary March For Veterans CelebrationThe Rotary Club of Cloquet will be hosting its first "Rotary March for Veterans Celebration" on Saturday, March 3, 2018, at the AAD Shriners Building in Hermantown, MN. |
This Week's Program: Joanne ErspamerJoanne Erspamer, Public Health Supervisor, Family and Community Unit, gave a presentation about the Carlton County Community Health Assessment that was just completed on December 13, 2017. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Carlton County Historical SocietyRachael Martin stepped up to the 100 year old desk in the museum to present a program about the Carlton County Historical Society. After finding out that 5 people were here for the first time today, she also learned that 2 people had been introduced to the museum in the past by coming to a Rotary lunch.
Russ Smith introduced Kelly Zink,Program: Russ Smith introduced Kelly Zink, Director of the Cloquet Area Chamber of Commerce. She handed out the 2016 Year in Review for the chamber, and highlighted the activities and accomplishments from last year.
Shield 616 project.Ralph Hamann introduced our speakers, presenting a program about the Shield 616 project. First, Terry Tilander went to the podium, saying that he is available in Cloquet to do shows like today's presentation at your business. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Camp RYLA |
This Week's Program: St. Louis River ExperienceTerri Langevin introduced our speaker, Chuck Wollack from the St. Louis River Experience, an organization that takes seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities on a pontoon boat ride on the St. Louis River. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Ralph HamannToday's program was a Business Meeting with a Power Point program prepared and delivered by Ralph Hamann about the financial status of our club. He showed with graphs how the cash balance has been declining over the last 4 years. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Cloquet Skate ParkJack Lane introduced Jennifer Hall, Brady Hall and Caleb Essler, from the Cloquet Skate Park group. |
This Week's Program: Tom Brennan- Principal of Cloquet Middle SchoolKen Scarbrough introduced Tom Brennan, principal of Cloquet Middle School, here to tell us about the new middle school under construction. ![]() |
This Week's Program: Chris RousseauJim Prusak introduced Chris Rousseau, a fellow civil engineer and Manager of Hydro Operations for MPL. He gave an extremely interesting presentation discussing the geographical and historical overview of the Minnesota Power and Light electrical generating stations in our region of the state.
This Week's Program: Junior Rotarians |
This Weeks Program: Jeff BrownRick Breuer introduced our speaker, Jeff Brown, by saying that until recently, Cloquet Memorial Hospital and the nursing home had the same administrator. Now Sunnyside has its own administrator, Jeff Brown.
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This Week's Program: Russ FrenchPhyllis Rousseau introduced Russ French from the Carlton County Sheriff's Department. Russ started out working as a traffic cop 10 years ago and now works for the General Investigations Department.
This Week's Program:Carlton County Historical SocietyRachael Martin, Executive Director of the Carlton County Historical Society, welcomed everyone to the museum and spoke about the historical society's history, the building's history, and the activities and exhibits at the museum. Upcoming programs include a President's Day Program on Monday, February 20 at 1 pm on Abraham Lincoln by historian Dr. William Miller, and a March 1st exhibit Reception and Program on Barns of Carlton County at 12:30 pm.
Jr Rotarian Speeches |
This Week's ProgramPresident Judy asked Julie Rothmeier to come forward to tell us about the Rotary projects our club is involved in.
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This Week's Program: Karen SmithKaren Smith came to the podium for our Business Meeting to discuss the handouts on our tables, which she had prepared.
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This Week's Program: Best Christmas EverChad Spillers introduced our speaker, Don Liimatainen, representing the Best Christmas Ever organization, also known as BCE.
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This Week's Program: Cloquet MadrigalsThe Cloquet Madrigals paid a special visit to our club today!
What a great way to spend our meeting during this cold, sunny day in Winter! the Madrigals sang us many wonderful songs spreading the Christmas Spirit to us all!
This Week's Program: Jr Rotarian Speeches |
This Week's Program: Carlton Wellness CenterLori Nelson (Rob Nelson's wife) and Danielle Hatfield came forward to tell us about the Carlton Wellness Center in Carlton. Danielle, coordinator of Volunteer Services of Carlton County, explained how they received a grant of $500,000 to create a Carlton Wellness Center as part of the Volunteer Services of Carlton County.
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This Week's Program: PhilOur newest member, Phil, gave a wonderful classification of who he is and how he got to our little neck of the woods in his career! Welcome to our club Phil! |
This Week's Program: Earl RogersEarl Rogers came to pay a visit about the rotary foundation, and together we helped get 12 people to their Paul Harris!!
This Week's Program: Junior RotariansThis week's program included Junior Rotarian Speeches – they were all insightful, some joyful, some tearful, some haunting, and all well delivered.
This Week's Program: Tory Cawcutt and RomanAndy French introduced Deputy Sheriff Tory Cawcutt, from the Canine Unit in the County Sheriff's Department.
This Week's Program: Camp RYLAChris Correia gave a short introduction about Camp RYLA, saying that Marty Byrnes has been at the camp for 19 years, our speakers, Holly McGinn and Dylan Carlson, just completed their first year at camp RYLA, and in between are the RYLA facilitators, DJ and Charlotte.
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This Week's Program: Camp RYLAChris Correia asked the RYLA campers to introduce themselves and tell us about their experiences at Camp RYLA.
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This Week's Program: Cloquet United WayChad Spillers welcomed Ali Bilden Camps, Executive Director of the Cloquet United Way. Ali said she has been with United Way for 2 years now and admitted that she is a member of the Cloquet Kiwanis Club. Brave woman!
This Week's Program: Age to Age ProgramRalph Hamann introduced his guests, Ruth Reeves, Cloquet Community Education Director, and her 2 summer interns, who will update us on the Age to Age Program.
This Week's ProgramChad Spillers introduced his guests, Bill Dixon and Eileen Quittem, who just returned from a Prison Ministry Mission in Malawi, Africa. Bill Dixon, who volunteers with MSOP at the prison in Moose Lake, spoke first about their recent trip and plans to return to Malawi next week.
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This Week's Program: Boy ScoutsSteve Micke introduced Tom Meyer, District Executive of the Voyageurs Area Boy Scout Council. Tom said he has been involved with Boy Scouts for 50 years, starting in 2nd grade and receiving his Eagle Scout award in 1975.
This Week's Program: Ross Peterson- Cloquet EDAProgram: Ross Peterson came to the podium, introducing himself as the president of the Cloquet Economic Development Authority (EDA). The function of the EDA is to provide opportunities for economic development in the Cloquet area.
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This Week's Program: Ron HansonRon Hanson, who was responsible for today's program assignment, tried out our new Smart TV for the first time to show us 2 Rotary videos.
This Week's Program: Enbridge EnergyToday' speaker, Todd Olson, came from the Twin Cities this morning to show us a Power Point presentation about Enbridge Energy.
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This Week's Program: The Mary Kay FoundationMichelle Maki, from the Mary Kay Foundation, has lived in the Duluth area for 30 years, and is originally from Pengilly MN. She began her talk with the mission of the 53 year old Mary Kay Foundation: to enrich women's lives.
This Week's Program: Matt WinbiglerMatt Winbigler introduced himself as an 8th Grade Earth Science teacher for the Cloquet Public Schools for the past 13 years, who is now on Special Assignment to integrate technology into the classrooms.
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SIGN UP FOR THE 2016 Rotary District Conference!SIGN UP FOR THE 2016 Rotary District Conference!!
Get ready for Bismark, ND! Click here to sign up by April 8th : |
This Week's Program: Chris RousseauChris Rousseau, Hydro Operations Manager at Minnesota Power's Thomson station, showed us a PowerPoint about restoring the power at the Thomson station after the 2012 flood. The flood was preceded by a drought followed by a big Memorial Day rain that filled all the MN Power's reservoirs and the ground as well.
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Arman Garza MemorialCathy Schroeder and Debbie Roach came to the podium to tell usabout their project to create a memorial for Arman Garza, who died last year
when he was 15, by installing handicapped accessible playground equipment at Churchill Elementary School. |
How to Submit an Online Make UpThis is an instructional interactive slideshow that will walk you through the steps of submitting an online make up. To navigate between slides please use the arrows found directly below the presentation.
Junior Rotarian SpeechesThis week's program featured the Jr. Rotarian speeches by Ashleigh Arntson, Amanda Groth, Devon Randall, and Abigail Bentley.
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Ty Ganglehoff: Assistant Park Manager at Jay Cooke State ParkDuring this weeks program Ty Ganglehoff, Assistant Park Manager at Jay Cooke State Park, introduced himself. He has been at Jay Cooke since May, and before that he was the manager of the state park in Little Falls, MN.
This weeks program: The MadrigalsDuring this weeks program the troupe of seven Cloquet High School students, led by their director, John Holmstrom, entered Evergreen in single file singing fah-la-lahs in Madrigal fashion. Their director introduced the Madrigals as a select a cappella group. The all female chorus continued with a variety of Christmas carols and seasonal pieces in three part harmony. Before their last number, the girls introduced themselves and said what grade they were in. Then as dramatically as they entered, they resumed their fah-la-lahs and exited singing all the way.
Excerpts taken from the Cloquet Rotary log, edited by Rachael Martin.
This week's Program: North Country RideDuring this week's program Joan Weyandt, Executive Director of North Country Ride, presented a power point program which started with the new logo the organization just developed.
Cloquet Racquetball ClubDuring this week's program Rob Nelson introduced Berry Bergquist, past president of the Cloquet Racquetball Club, to speak about the racquetball club in Cloquet.
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Jr Rotarian Speeches: Cloquet High School |
Allen Anway on the Rotary FoundationDuring this weeks program President Ryan called on Allen Anway to give a presentation on the Rotary Foundation. Allen said his talk was divided into 2 parts.
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Jr. Rotarian Speeches: Carlton High School StudentsToday's program featured Jr. Rotarian speeches given by the Carlton high school students Macy Belich and Ashley Anderson.
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This Week's Program: Carlton County HistoryThis Week's Program: President Ryan called Rachael Martin to the podium for the program. She explained that Mike McKinney was the program chair for today, and since he is away in Italy, he asked her to do the program for him. Rachael, the Executive Director of the Carlton County Historical Society, had prepared a 20 Question Trivia Game about the history of Carlton County.
Cloquet's Chief of Police, Steve StracekThis week's program featured Cloquet's Chief of Police, Steve Stracek, who has been in Cloquet for 14 months. Before coming to Cloquet he was with the Duluth Police Department, developing a 23 year career in law enforcement. He is a farm boy, originally from Staples, MN, is married and has 3 children: 2 twin boys and a daughter studying voice in a Chicago college.
Cloquet Volunteer OpportunitiesAre you interested in learning more about volunteering in the Cloquet, MN area? Connect Cloquet, in partnership with the Cloquet Chamber's Public Policy Committee presents Hot Lunch.
Welcome Junior Rotarians!During this week's program we welcomed this year's Junior Rotarians.
This Week's Program: Amigos RotariosPresident Ryan Micke welcomed Rachael Martin as this week's speaker. She offered to substitute for the scheduled speaker, who was unable to attend. Rachael's power point program called Amigos Rotarios, described the 2001 trip she took with Duluth Club #25 members to Yucatan, Mexico, as part of a Rotary international
service project.
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Rotary RosesWe still need people to sign up to sell roses at L&M and Super One! Please let Rich Bruns know if you're able to work a table!
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Friends of AnimalsCindy from Friends of Animals came today to provide a very informative presentation. She brought Chloe along with her. Chloe's a very sweet dog ready for a home! Brent from FOA was also present and helped take care of Chloe as Cindy spoke. We learned a lot about what FOA does and how it helps our community each year. Please help support our local FOA by calling 879-1665 or by visiting their website at
District Governor Craig Loughery |
Camp RYLAYesterday, a few campers from RYLA paid a visit to our club. It was fun hearing about their stories, experiences, and what a difference Camp RYLA has made in their lives! RYLA Disctict 5580 Chairperson, Chris Corriea, was there to help facilitate the presentation as a director of the camp.
WE WISH THEM ALL THE BEST IN THE INCOMING SCHOOL YEAR! And hope they decide to sign up for the Junior Rotarian's in the future!
This Week's Program: Jim Barry- A Fundraiser Coming to LifeA fundraiser coming to life was the topic of the program today. Phyllis Rousseau introduced our speaker, Jim Barry, the owner of the Pine Hill Golf Course in Carlton, MN. His topic was a popular new sport called FootGolf. This is also a potential fundraiser for the Cloquet Rotary club.
Africa is one year polio free!It has been over one year since the last reported case of polio in Africa. Somalia was the last country in Africa to report a polio case on August 11th 2014. Check out the full article here.
Nigeria Celebrates One Year Without a Polio CaseAccording to an article found on the Rotary International website the last case of polio in Nigeria was reported on July 24th, 2014. If no cases are reported in the near future Nigeria will be removed from the list of polio endemic countries. The last two countries left on the list are Pakistan and Afghanistan. Check out the full article here.
This week's program: Just Kids DentalThis week's program, Just Kids Dental, is a non-profit dental health program that provides dental care right within schools. Just Kids Dental provides oral health education and preventative dental care for children in Pre-school through 8th grade.
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Goals for the New YearHave you ever asked yourself why you joined the Rotary? What are you hoping to achieve while in the Rotary? These are important questions to reflect upon to determine your role as a Rotary Member.
The New RI President- Ravi Ravindran |
Cloquet Color Run- July 18th |
Medical myths inspire fellowship and serviceCheck out this article: Medical myths inspire fellowship and service by Dr. John Philip, Past District Governor of District 1040 and Chairman of the International Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors
Scholarship Award ProgramThe Scholarship Award program began with Ron Hanson, Cloquet Rotary Club Historian, giving a background on the scholarship program. It all started with Henry E. Walter, CEO of Conwed and USG, who joined the Cloquet Rotary Club in 1942. He led the Rotary committee that started the Carlton County Historical Society, and started a youth scholarship program. At first it was one scholarship a year, then it dropped off for a while. In 1998, he started a endowment to grow a fund to provide regular yearly scholarships. Now, we award several scholarships a year with the most outstanding scholarship recipient being the Henry E. Walter Scholar.
Classification Speech: Lenny ConklinIt was a privilege for Rotarians to hear a newer member of the club, Lenny Conklin, speak about his life and his passions during the Rotary meeting on Tuesday. |
This week's program: Loren Schumacher's Classification SpeechLoren Schumacher gave his Classification speech, introducing himself and relating his biography. He began by pointing out that his Rotary badge lists his classification as Religion, and we all know that he is the pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Cloquet.
This week's program: Jireh MabambaPresident Chris introduced Jireh Mabamba, who attends UMD, started the UMD Rotaract club, and has worked with President Chris to facilitate RYLA programs.
Rotary Youth ExchangeToday President Chris filled in for a speaker cancelation and showed us online videos of Rotary Youth Exchange experiences. The first video called "A Fabulous Experience" gave us a historical perspective of Rotary Youth Exchange programs.
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This Week's Program: Dakota KoskiSteve Micke introduced our speaker, Dakota Koski, Executive Director of Reach Inc., a mentoring program in Cloquet. Dakota told us about himself and his history with Reach. He was a Jr. Rotarian, attended Camp RYLA and also started volunteering with Reach as a sophomore in high school, mentoring a 5th grade student.
Get to know our newest members: Bob and JackThis week's program featured two of our newest Rotarians, Bob Espenson and Jack Lane, who gave their Classification speeches.
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This week's Program: Knowledge BowlThe Jr. Rotarians had a real surprise for our program this week. All the Rotarians became participants in a Knowledge Bowl game. First we divided into 3 groups, Team A, B and C. Then we moved to our respective tables, each having a power strip where we could buzz in our chance to answer.
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Triple header program featuring Delaney Coy, Rachel Macauley, and Ted SchickThis week's program was a triple header featuring Delaney Coy, Rachel Macauley, and Ted Schick.
Jr Rotarian Speech: "Find Your Light"Terri Langevin introduced Hailey Ulvi, who presented her Jr. Rotarian speech for the program. The theme of Hailey's speech was "Find Your Light", which is an expression used in theater.
Rotary RemembrancesCloquet Rotary History Quiz This photo was taken to commemorate our clubs 75th anniversary. The year was 1996. You have 22 chances to correctly NAME THAT ROTARIAN! Can you name the nine (9) that are still members today? Can you name the three (3) that are deceased? Can you name at least one (1) that became a Kiwanian? Can you name the other nine (9)? |
Rotary Remembrances |
Welcome Jeff Schaefer!
The Cloquet Rotary Club Welcomes Jeff Schaefer...
This week's program: "Four Days Before the Mast"This week Phyllis Rousseau introduced our speaker, Allen Anway, who showed a power point program called "Four Days Before the Mast". Allen explained that the title is a reference to the classic book "Two Years Before the Mast" that inspired Herman Melville to write books like "Moby Dick", etc. |
Carlton County Historical Society's "Wedding Dress Style Show"For this week's program Rachael Martin showed a power point program about the Carlton County Historical Society's "Wedding Dress Style Show" held in July of 2013. |
This Week's Program- Janaki Fisher-Merritt, owner of Food FarmRuss Smith introduced Janaki Fisher-Merritt, owner of the Food Farm in Wrenshall, who spoke about his family's organically grown vegetable farm, which has been in business for 22 years. He recruited Jim Hagen to operate his power point, randomly showing slides of his parents who moved from Oregon in the 1970s to start the farm, his wife and infant son, the crew of 7 employees and numerous volunteers who help grow potatoes, cabbage, and raise chickens, turkeys and harvest eggs, all certified organic.
This week's program: County Seat TheaterThis weeks program is Cheryl Kramer-Milder, from the County Seat Theater. She said the theater is ready to open its 2015 season with the one act play "Old Jake's Skirts". This is the play we will be seeing at our March 13 Theater Party. |
This weeks ProgramRachael Martin spoke briefly about the Carlton County Historical Society and the building it is in. She asked how many people were in this building for the first time. Four raised their hands. |
This week's program: Robbi MondatiThis weeks speaker was Robbi Mondati, the Assistant Principal at Cloquet High School. Robbi presented a power point program about data gathered showing Cloquet HS's excellent student performance compared to other Minnesota schools. |
This week's programPresident Chris presented a program about Rotary Grants, after recently attending a power point presentation along with Dorine Houck. He said Rotary has 3 types of grants available for clubs to apply for: 1. Global Grants, 2. District Grants, and 3. World Service Grants. |
This week's programJim Prusak came to the podium to recognize two of our members who made contributions to the Rotary Foundation. |
This week in Rotary- Lutheran Social Services' Center for Changing LivesThis weeks speaker was Bob Sherman, the Campaign Director for Lutheran Social Services' Center for Changing Lives and a member of Duluth Club #25. Bob introduced his fellow workers, Robin Maxwell and Jennifer Jelsrud. |
This week's program: The Rotary FoundationThis week's speaker, Jim Prusak, was introduced by President Chris Correia. As the Chairman of the Cloquet Rotary Foundation committee, Jim's topic was the Rotary Foundation - what it does and how we are a part of it. |
This week's presentation: Ken ScarbroughCloquet Rotary Club member and Superintendent of Cloquet Public Schools, Ken Scarbrough, presented today's program. He spoke about the issues involved in the referendum coming up February 10 to build a new middle school in Cloquet. |
This week's program: Club GoalsOur business meeting for today's program was conducted by President Chris, who reviewed the input members gave at last week's meeting about club goals. |
This week's programPresident Chris came prepared with 5 newsprint sheets, each with a topic for discussion. The topics included Where in the World Should We Go?, How to Double the Income from Color Run, Ideas for the Women Only Weekend, How to Achieve the Club Goal of 40 New Members, and How to Raise $3000 more for Polio Plus. Then Chris divided us into small discussion groups, giving us a few minutes on each topic and rotating to discuss a new topic. By the end of the meeting many new ideas and suggestions were written on the 5 newsprint pages. The results will be revealed at a later date.After our program everyone wished each other a Happy New Year. See you in 2015!
The Cloquet High School MadrigalsThe Cloquet High School Madrigals entered this week's meeting singing a medley of "Here We Come a Caroling", "Angels We Have Heard on High", and "Deck the Halls". |
Junior RotariansProgram: Darin Davidson and Tyler Chicos, two of our Jr. Rotarians from Esko High School, presented the program.
District Governor Tim KaminskiThis week's speaker was District Governor Tim Kaminski |
How to eat healthy for ThanksgivingThis week's speaker was introduced by Phyllis Rousseau. Jean Maslowski from the Cloquet Community Memorial Hospital's Diabetes Education Department wheeled in a cart with Thanksgiving dinner sample entrees made of plastic. |
Homelessness and Cloquet Public SchoolsThis week's speaker was, Robbi Mondati who is the CHS Asst. Principal and ISD #94 Familiesin Transition Liaison. Her program was titled "Homelessness and Cloquet Public Schools". |
Junior RotariansThis weeks program featured the Jr. Rotarian Speeches given by the 3 outgoing Esko High School students. |
Dick Carlson- Author of "The Adventures of Chipper"This weeks speaker was Dick Carlson who spoke about the new childrens' book he wrote, "The Adventures of Chipper". |
This week's program: Bob CresapJudy Poss introduced Bob Cresap, a retired Chemistry teacher who taught for 30 years at Cloquet High School. She pointed out that he was born and raised in North Dakota, her own previous residence. |
Meet the Jr. Rotarians!One of the co-chairs of the New Generations committee, Paul Norvall, welcomed the new Jr. Rotarians and asked them to introduce themselves. |
Katie BradleyLast week's speaker was Katie Bradley, a speech pathologist who heads up the Speech Language Pathology Department at the Community Memorial Hospital. |
Window Victim ServicesThis week's speaker was Lisa Lilja, who has been the Executive Director of Window Victim Services for the last 15 years. Lisa showed a power point program and explained how the program has grown since 1986, when it was founded by women in Pine County as a free and confidential service for women seeking help. |
Friends of Animals Humane SocietyThis week's speaker was Cindy Haglin, Shelter Director at the Friends of Animals Humane Society located in Cloquet. |
This week's presentation: FacebookRyan Micke substituted with a talk about our Club's Social Media Presence. A show of hands revealed that about half of our club members use Facebook. |
This week's program: Meet our newest club membersThis week's program featured two Classification Speeches given by our newest club members. |
Last weeks program discussion... What are your thoughts?1. What current service work of the club most excited them as a members and most motivates them to want to ask others to join us as members? 2. Is there a service initiative in which we are not engaged that they would be excited about and want to also share with other people as they invite them to membership. In response to question #1, overall our work with youth was noted as of particular interest to members, including the Junior Rotarian program and RYLA sponsorships. Also, the literacy efforts with the Kindergartners and the third graders was noted as being motivating. In response to question #2, members felt that an international project should be considered, and that our club should return to more hands-on service projects. |
Pine Valley- Blue House RunRon Hanson introduced Tim Krohn, Land Information Manager at FDL Reservation, who told us about the Pine Valley- Blue House Run on Labor Day. It supports the Blue House Orphanage in rural Uganda.
Carlton County Historical Society BuildingsThis week Rachael Martin presented a Power Point presentation about the Carlton County Historical Society buildings at the County Fair grounds in Barnum. |
Polio PlusThis weeks program was a Power Point program produced by Rotary International about Polio Plus. |
13th Annual Dragonboat FestivalThis week's speakers Scott Soderberg and Mike Cochran's topic was the Dragonboat Festival coming up August 22 & 23. |
Speaker: Allen AnwayThis weeks speaker Allen Anway began his power point presentation called "The Greatest Scientific Prize - Ever" with a photo he took last week of a Rotary sign in Boston, announcing the club's meeting place and date. |
Cloquet Rotary Clubs 2014-2015 Vision PlanPresident Chris spoke about his Plan for the Year, handing out packets of information to everyone. |
Junior Rotarians 2014 |
Cloquet Color RunJoin us on July 19th , 2014 for the Cloquet Color Run located in Pine Valley Cloquet, MN |
Speaker: Crystal TaylorThis weeks speaker was Crystal Taylor, who owns her own public relations firm in Duluth called Viva. |
Honor Flight ProgramLast weeks guest speaker was Jim Nelson. He is now retired and volunteering as an Honor Flight Guardian.
Next week's meeting 3/25/14Next week's meeting on 3/25/14 will be hosted at the Cloquet Historical Society at our regular time. 406 Cloquet Ave, Cloquet, MN |
13th Annual Hook and Slice on IceJoin us on February 8th, 2014 for the 13th Annual Hook and Slice on Ice located on Chub Lake in Carlton. |
Ride to end polio in Arizona raised $730,000!
For the past five years, Rotary members around Tucson, Arizona, USA, have bicycled as many as 111 miles in a day to raise money for polio eradication.
Today is wear purple for polio day. End Polio Now!
The world is now 99% Polio free, and the Rotary has played a large role in the progress of ending polio...
Dinner Train 2013 |
Download the newsletter! |
Wild poliovirus reported in SomaliaA case of type 1 polio has been reported in the Banadir region of Somalia, the country’s first case since... |
What is Rotaract and Who Can Join??![]() Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community or university based, and they’re sponsored by a local Rotary club. This makes them true "partners in service" and key members of...
Rotarians take part in Immunization Days in Côte d’lvoire![]() Rotarians in Côte d’lvoire took part in National Immunization Days (NIDs) beginning 26 April. They joined thousands of health workers and volunteers in mobilizing public support, ensuring the safe delivery of the oral polio vaccine, and administering the life-saving drops to more than... |
In the News: Rotary condemns attacks targeting health workers in Nigeria![]()
Here is a statement from Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Wilfrid J. Wilkinson concerning the attacks on health workers in Nigeria...
April 24, 2013, Junior Rotarians are Taking Over!That's right, it's that time of year again! Where the Junior Rotarians are taking over the meeting!! From years past, this has been one fun event. This year, it's going to be a Mexican fiesta theme! Get ready to have some FUN! Be sure to attend next week's meeting to show our Junior Rotarians that we value their participation with our club and wish them the best after they graduate from their senior year. |
Fun Random Facts: Rotary in JapanThe first Rotary club in Japan grew out of a meeting, in the United States, between two Japanese businessmen, Kisaji Fukushima and Umekichi Yoneyama. The Rotary Club of Tokyo was chartered on 1 April 1921, a few years after their meeting.
Junior Rotarian Speeches this week!This week we'l have fun listening to the new, first round group of Junior Rotarian speeches. Each time they get up there and "brave the crowd" is always very fun & entertaining. Please do our best to welcome the newest group next week- NOTE: Rotary Driver's don't forget we are Trapper Pete's for our field day trip! |
Welcome to Loren !! New member at our Club!
Please help welcome Loren to our club!!
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THE ROTARIAN SPOTLIGHT- Get to know Ron Hanson |
Welcome to Rachael!! New member at our Club!Welcome to Rachael- past Club 25 member, now joins our Club! Please help welcome her to our club!
Fun with RYLA Students! |
Welcome Brad Putney! Our Club's NEWEST Rotarian!![]() |
Message from our District Govenor Don Calvalier |
Welcome to our newest member!
Welcome to Brian from Sappi Fine Paper - Our newest Rotarian! We look forward to your upcoming service!
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District Conference Photos!
Take a peek at some of the fun we had at the 2012 District Conference!
Hook and Slice is almost here!!ATTENTION ALL ROTARIAN'S: SELL, SELL, SELL THOSE TICKETS! The 11th Annual Hook and Slice is almost here!! ![]() |
Happy New Year! 2012 is here and it's going to be great!![]() |
THE ROTARIAN SPOTLIGHT- Get to know Jim Prusak |
Do YOU really know about the Rotary Foundation?What is the ROTARY FOUNDATION? What makes up the three FUNDS? How about those Grants they offer? and...most importantly: How Can YOU help??
Take a minute to learn more or review what it is all about... |
THE ROTARIAN SPOTLIGHT- Get to know Julie Rothmeier |
THE ROTARIAN SPOTLIGHT --- Get to know Russ Smith
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WELCOME! - Since your here, take a break to watch this video! |
This Is Rotary! |
The Rotary Minute![]()
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